Fellowship with Us:
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24/7 Contact: 0901-403-5839

Mail us: info@nfcpsabuzaria.org

24/7 Contact: 0901-403-5839

Mail us: info@nfcpsabuzaria.org

Past Leaders

Find below those whom God has used to lead the house of NFCPS ABU Zaria through the various spiritual sessions from inception of the Fellowship.

Central Executives 2023/2024

Central Executives 2021/2022-2023

Central Executives 2019/2020-2021

Central Executives 2018/2019

Central Executives 2017/2018

Central Executives 2016/2017

Central Executives 2015/2016

Central Executives 2014/2015

Central Executives 2013/2014

Central Executives 2012/2013

Central Executives 2011/2012

Central Executives 2010/2011

Central Executives 2009/2010

Central Executives 2008/2009

National Executives 2007/2008

Central Executives 2006/2007

Central Executives 2005/2006

Central Executives 2004/2005

Central Executives 2003/2004

Central Executives 2001/2002

Central Executives 2000/2001

Central Executives 1999/2000

National Executives 1998/1999

Central Executives 1997/1998

Central Executives 1996/1997

Central Executives 1994/1995

National Executives 1993/1994

National Executives 1991/1992

Central Executives 1990/1991

Central Executives 1989/1990

Caretaker Committee 1989