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The Mind


The mind constitutes some set of functions which include the will, imagination, memory and thought. These functions have greatly influenced the decision making of individuals which in turn have birthed success or failure in the lives of such individuals.

“As a man thinks so is he”. This is very true. Did you know that almost every man-made thing you see and admire including those tall and amazing buildings were first built in the mind as thoughts?. You become what you always think of –you are the product of thought.  Success and failure are first printed in the mind. Great things can be attracted by thinking about them as often as possible. Whatever your mind does not attract will eventually be repelled from your life. Do know that becoming great starts with developing a great mind? Great people are people with golden minds.

It was realized that one of the secrets behind the differences in the attitudes and behaviors of individuals is as a result of the differences in their mindset. So to change individuals, you need to provide information that will direct their minds towards that direction  needed to be.  Some believe that the difference between the best student and the average student is touchily their differences in their mindset.   Did you know that what is in the well of your mind will eventually be echoing on the bed of your mouth?

You can change yourself by the renewal of your mind and the way to do that is by building your mind with those things that are pure, true, excellent, trustworthy and great. What you often think of will sometimes become your reality, so what do you often think of? Do you often think like a genius or like a mediocre? If you want to become great, then you need to develop a transformed mind after the image of greatness. Fill your mind with greatness. Always feed your mind with things pointing towards the path your life need to move through a path of greatness, happiness, fulfillment. You mention it.

Conclusively, the mind is as powerful as a car’s driving steer, it might not be as important as the car’s engine but then it controls the workings of the engine-it determines the direction of the car. Build a golden mind and you will be amazed at how awesome life can be. “Things are built twice, first in the mind and then physically” – Apostle  Joshua Selman. The mind is everything.

By: Kwada Joseph Faith

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